What is Waterfall Methodology?
Waterfall Methodology in Project Management: Examples, Pros, and Cons One pertinent question project managers ask themselves before they commence the execution of any project is to decide on the best course of action. Providing sufficient answers to this question is...
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How to Write an Executive Summary
What is an Executive Summary? Both large and small scale construction companies work with executive summaries. An executive summary is a document that summarizes a robust plan in smaller details for easier understanding. These summaries are often included with many...
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What is Logistics Management?
Definition Logistic Management is defined as a Supply Chain component that is structurally designed to meet the requirement of an organization, or its customers/clients. This is achieved through the control, planning, and implementation of goods or services through warehousing and...
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Change Management Process
What is the Change Management Process? The Change Management Process clearly spells out the series of activities required to effect change in an organizational setup. Consider them as a set of rules that a project leader must follow to achieve...
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Risk Management Process
The risk management process is a logical framework that reveals a course of action regarding the mitigation of risk. This process is out in place to reduce the impact of risk on the business. Some risks are avoidable, while others...
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Project Management Challenges & Solutions
6 Project Management Challenges and Solutions in the Construction industry When it comes to handling construction projects, there are several potential pitfalls that project managers are always on the lookout for. Surprises are hardly pleasant, so construction managers like to...
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How to Measure Employee Productivity
Are your employees fully productive in the workplace? A 2017 survey by Gallup revealed that 85% of employees are “not engaged or are actively disengaged” at work, leading to losses in productivity worth $7 trillion globally. The reasons for this range...
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What is Agile Construction Management?
Agile is a set of principles and methods applied in business to ensure the successful delivery of a project. Agile as a concept was actually borrowed from the automotive and software industry, which relies on its flexibility in project management....
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What is Project Management?
Project management is the processes of managing projects. In construction, project management is an objective-based work. The construction company is tasked to complete a designed structure to the exact specification on the work order map. To properly manage the project,...
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How to Manage Construction Projects
Construction project managers use modern management techniques to achieve construction objectives. At a high-level, a construction project manager must track the planning, coordination, and execution of the construction projects they are assigned to. Construction projects include many complicated tasks that...
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